Objetive: Time management is an organizational plan that the company or person carries out, with the objective of having a conscious control of the time that is spent with some specific activity. In this way, it is to improve the productivity of the person, as well as that of a company.

A time management technique includes a set of tasks, processes and decisions with a focus on coordinating managed objectives within time constraints.

The objective of conscious time management is to conduct routines to produce results at work, but also to have free time for rest and moments of relaxation.

That way, when studying time management, you learn to manage time proactively and learn how to use some applications or methods that can help you.

To gain more knowledge on the topic, you can register for online courses or even take a course of the topic at UBC School of Business.


Reflective – Studying content like time management, it made me realize the importance of things that I had never stopped to think were important.

First, something really extraordinary that I discovered is that “making and following a task schedule reduces anxiety. As you check off items on your “to-do” list, you can see that you are making tangible progress. This helps you avoid feeling stressed out with worry about whether you’re getting things done.” (Corporate Finance Institute, 2019).

I realized that it is extremely necessary to use a calendar application or an agenda to help you in your daily life. Keeping all your commitments in your mind is ineffective. “Record due dates for tasks and appointments — and do this immediately when they are planned or requested.(Dierdorf, 2020) That is why successful people use calendars.

Another thing I learned to be especially important is to manage or respect your need for sleep. You need to have a clear mind to manage not only your time, but also your life.

A very common thing to happen, but that few people have the courage to do is to admit our mistakes. When you don't admit your mistakes, you delay your work as well as the work of your company, team. It is necessary to admit the errors as soon as possible, so that it is not lost so long afterwards to repair or identify it. So, I understood the importance to admit my mistakes.

Setting deadlines for all tasks is essential in time management. When you create your deadline prior to the pre-established deadline, you will always have time to finish and review your job, if necessary.

I don't particularly know how to say "no". However, when studying the topic I learned that if we don't say no, there will come a time when we won't give so much work and deadlines. Thus, it is important to say no or learn to delegate tasks, so that the work is productive.

I know that saying "yes" to new responsibilities is a great way to grow your career, but sometimes you have to say no.


Interpretive – In recent years, I have noticed a constant movement of increasing the importance given to time in decisions.

The modern world, that is, the technological world, allowed the travel time, for example, to be converted into sending e-mails, or messages by cell phone. That is why time management is so important.

It requires clarity in choices. It allows you to dedicate time to work to meet your goals, be more productive and have greater focus and concentration.

The idea of ​​writing on paper or putting your time sheet in excel is important, as you will have a vision of your time and realize how many hours you spend studying, reading, working, or spending your time using your Instagram or in something useless.

After detailing the hours of your day, you will be able to identify how to improve the time that was not used effectively and put effort in that particular hour to improve it.

Furthermore, when studying your time management, you are able to become organized, always with one foot ahead of deadlines.

For personal development it is extremely useful to put this method into practice.


Decisional – To put time management into practice I used the GUT Matrix method that consists of creating five columns in an excel spreadsheet:

The first column can be called "Task" and in its lines you specify the activity you need to complete.

In the second column, can be named “Gravity” and in its lines in front of the tasks you will assign scores from 1 to 5 using the following criteria: 5 to extremely serious; 4 to very serious; 3 to severe; 2 to little serious; 1 to without gravity.

The third column will have the title “Urgency” and the criteria used in each task will be: 5 to immediate attention, 4 to resolve quickly; 3 to not very urgent; 2 to can wait; 1 to can be planned for the long term.

The fourth column will be called “Trend”, in which you should estimate what the consequences of that task are to be ignored or not done: 5 to will get worse quickly; 4 to it will get worse in a short time; 3 to it will get worse; 2, to it will get worse in the long run and 1 to will not change.

The last column is reserved for a calculation, which is the multiplication of the values ​​of the second, third and fourth columns to find the activity weights.

After doing the calculations you can order the tasks that have the highest weight and start to perform the highest priority activities.

This was a method that I used that helped me to set my priority and how to use my time wisely, but there are several methods of time management that you can do.


Corporate Finance Institute. (2019, 10 22). Time Management - List of Top Tips for Managing Time Effectively. Retrieved from Corporate Finance Institute: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/soft-skills/time-management-list-tips/

Dierdorf, E. C. (2020, 01 29). Time Management Is About More Than Life Hacks. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review: https://hbr.org/2020/01/time-management-is-about-more-than-life-hacks



  1. I really congratulate you because the blog that you did in each of the entries is very complete, the methodology that you raised in the time management blog caught my attention, have you ever used it in your personal life?

    Hugo Armando

    1. Thank you very much Hugo. I used the method called GUT and I was able to identify the weight of my tasks and thus identified my priorities. This method is very effective, you should try it.

  2. It's great to know that we have different tools, like GAP analysis, SMART goals and now GUT Matrix! Those tools, if we are really willing to change and to achieve our goals, are really useful and can help us a lot saving tons of hours.
    It can also help us to understand where are we failing into achieve this reach.

    Thanks for share your opinion , Lucas! It was really helpful!

    1. Thanks for the comment Leandro, learning to manage our time provides us with considerable gains in several aspects. We started to learn more and more to become more productive and efficient. Regards.


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